Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lessons for the Muslims Ummah

All praise and admire is due to ALLAH; we praise Him and request His forgiveness and help. We seek safe heaven with ALLAH, for the most part High, the evils and sins of ours elf and of their evil deeds. One that has been guides by the ALLAH none can misguide, and what is wrong by the ALLAH, none is able to guide him.

I testify that there is no accurate GOD worthy of human being worshiped excluding ALLAH, alone, not including partner and associate. I wear also true that Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the servant and messenger. May ALLAH the exalted bestow peace and blessings upon the last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), excellent, pure and good Quran teacher, family, and after all his noble companions.

“O you who believe! Fear ALLAH (by doing all that He order and abstaining from all that He has forbidden) as He should be feared, and die expect in the state of Islam (as Muslims with complete submission to ALLAH).” (Al- Quran 3:102)

“O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from him He created his wife, and from them both He created many men and women; and fear ALLAH through Whom you demand your mutual (rights) and (do no cut relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, ALLAH is ever an all Watcher over you.” (Al- Quran 4:1)

“O you who believe! Keep your duty to ALLAH and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth, He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys ALLAH and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great success.” (Al-Quran 33:70-71)

Know that the most sincere speech is the Book of the ALLAH (the Quran), and that the best guidance that of the Muhammad (peace be upon him). The worst evil are modernizations (overseas to the true education of Islam), and other innovation subject (in religion) is a bidah, and every bidah is a deception, and all means of misguidance is in the fire of the Hell.

This is an initial book for all Muslim. This is a summary of the beliefs, way of life and acts of the Islamic worship base. I ask for names and attributes of ALLAH to accept this project and make it a help and benefits for those who read and / or distribute.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some Beauties of Islam

This is the biggest misunderstanding and misconception of Islam. It is probably due to the stereotypes and telling designate Muslims misshapen characteristics through the use of media. When a gunman attacks a mosques and church in the name of Judaism, a Catholic IRA guerrilla triggered a bomb in an city areas or Serbian Orthodox militiamen kill/murder and rape innocent Muslims civilians, these proceeds are not used to stereotype or pattern of the entire faith. By no means is these acts recognized to the religion of their authors. However, a lot of time we are heard “Islamic fundamentalist Muslim word, etc.” Associated with violence.

Politics called “Muslim Countries” may or may not have an Islamic basis. Often dictators, totalitarian and politicians use the name of the Islam for their personal purpose. One should remind the source of the Islam and split what the accurate religion of the Islam speak from what is represented in the media. Islam accurately means “Submission to ALLAH” and is resulting from the root of the word “peace” mostly men.

Islam might seem unusual or even intense in the modern world. This may be because religion does not dominate day by day life in the West, where Islam is measured a “way of life” for Muslims, they make no distinction between secular and religion in their lives. As Christianity, Islam allows fighting in person defense, defense of belief or religion, or those who have forcibly evicted from their homes. It put down strict set of laws of combat which contain prohibitions harming civilians plus destroying farm animals, crops, livestock and trees.

The HOLY QURAN says:
“And fight in the Way of ALLAH those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, ALLAH likes not the transgressors.” (HOLY QURAN 2:190)

“But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in ALLAH. Verily, He is All Hearer, the All-Knower.” (HOLY QURAN 8:61)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Life of Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him)

A Prophet means a messenger of ALLAH to humanity. The mission of the Prophet’s life is to reach and spread the word of GOD. The total number of NABi is a lake and twenty four thousand. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him) of Islam was the last messenger of ALLAH in the world.

The Prophet was born in Arabia in 571 AD. He was named Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). The Arabs were a race of savage tribes. They led a hard life. They buried their new born daughter alive. They abuse women, orphans and their slaves. They worshiped idols. They were obsessed to wine, adultery, betting, gambling and bloody conflicts. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him) sent by ALLAH to correct these poor and bad people. He hated so cruel. He worked solid to reform. Habits and manners have changed, by his own example of brilliance. He taught them to tell the truth, mercy for the poor and suffering to respect women and be good with children.

At the age of forty, Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be upon Him) was revelations. By the impression of this high character, sincerity, nobility of mind, humanity and truthfulness he achieve some followers. Started great missionary effort or work and began to preach the gospel of GOD. The followers or fans grew day by day. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be upon Him) called SADIQ (truthful) and AMEEN (trustee), even with his enemies and rivals because of his honesty and boldness right.

The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) married a widow Hazrat Khadija name who embraced Islam and came to the Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) throughout his life. Ancient idol worshipers’ have tried their best to hurt and tease him. They wanted to kill him. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) fled to MADINA in company of the Hazrat Abu Bakar. This day emigration marks the beginning of the Hijra Islamic Conference.

Madina became the middle of the Islamic Holy Prophet activity. He won a lot of followers there. They mobilized a small army. He faced several hundreds of thousands of enemies with small group and caused the defeat after defeat on them. Finally, the Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) entered MAKKAH as the winner. He showed grace and mercy to all MAKKANS and announced a general amnesty. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) set a shining model and example of kindness, humanity and high spirit to the world.

The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) taught his believers a simple and easy code of the life. He wanted to live peacefully, serve others, to tell the truth and help needy. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a living inspiration to the world source as an Islamic teacher or Quran Tutor.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Relationship Between GOD And Human

We know GOD by name and associated with us in the QURAN:

“ALLAH is He, then Whom there is no other GOD Who Knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. ALLAH is He, than Whom there is no other GOD the Sovereign, the HOLY One, the Source of Pace (and perfection), The Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the supreme: Glory to ALLAH! (High is He) Above the partners they attribute to Him. He is ALLAH, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of forms (or Color). To Him belong the Most Beautiful names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory; and He is the Exalted in Mights, the Wise.” (59:22-24).

“And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Full of loving-kindness.” (85:14).
Human, similar to all the creations of GOD, is in a state of complete submission (Islam) the will of ALLAH. The difference among us humans and further making, however, is that we have given the will and ability to choose. When our minds to submit to ALLAH, so we totally submissive to ALLAH, and should be reported as “Muslims”.

At this stage of total and whole submission, the relationship between GOD and human is that of absolute calm. It is an Islamic trait to have complete obedience to ALLAH and accept the will and commandments. There is also an Islamic trait acquired a unique sense of satisfaction, achievement and content as an end result of the obedience and acceptance.

The relationship between GOD and us humans in Islam is direct, without intermediaries. In this direct link, you will recognize that there is no other place that can help that can help you, give, receive, support, supply or pardon of ALLAH. In such a straight relationship, do not connect other deities with GOD. In addition the faith and allegiance to ALLAH is to make us complete and clean. Get OnlineQuran learning?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Superstitious about the month of SAFAR

Superstition constituted an integral part of the belief system of the Pagans. Prior to the advent of Islam the Arabs were steeped in superstitions beliefs, beliefs that regulated their social, economic and political activity.
Superstition created a mysterious value system that gave rise to fear, suspicion and enmity. It deprived man of rational thinking and every ailment, accident or calamity was attributed to some evil force bent on destroying their lives.
 Unlucky happening such as diseases, curses, evils, loss in business and all the misfortunes are relayed to that month. People try to apply many tricks to protect themselves from all the misfortunes, but this concept is nothing more than a misconception based upon the poor knowledge of Islam.

The HOLY QURAAN states: “No misfortune can do not happen on earth nor (afflict) your souls, but is recorded in a Book (long) before we bring it into existence; that is truly easy for ALLAH.”
Disaster and misfortune take place according to the Will and Plan of ALLAH. No other force or power can direct your destiny or cause harm to you except with the permission of ALLAH.
The month of Safar is regarded as a month of ill-fortune and back luck. The pre Islamic Arabs believed Safar to be a serpent that dwells in the stomach of man. It stirs to life in this month and causes various types of illnesses and diseases. Thus people are more prone to fall this month.
Because of the various evil omens attached to this month some Muslims regard:

  • Nikah contracted in this month to be bad luck and ill fated.
  •  Any important business venture initiated in this month bound to collapse.
  • The first thirteen days of this month to be specifically evil and bad luck.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasalam condemned such superstitious beliefs in various Ahadith.

 A Hadith narrated in Muslims states: “There is no (ill-fortune) in the month of neither Safar nor do evil spirit (exist).”
Another Hadith states: “Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular day, week or month to be bad, for I (ALLAH) am the (embodiment) of all time.”