A Prophet
means a messenger of ALLAH to humanity. The mission of the Prophet’s life is to
reach and spread the word of GOD. The total number of NABi is a lake and twenty
four thousand. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him) of Islam was the last
messenger of ALLAH in the world.
The Prophet
was born in Arabia in 571 AD. He was named Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him).
The Arabs were a race of savage tribes. They led a hard life. They buried their
new born daughter alive. They abuse women, orphans and their slaves. They
worshiped idols. They were obsessed to wine, adultery, betting, gambling and
bloody conflicts. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him) sent by ALLAH to
correct these poor and bad people. He hated so cruel. He worked solid to
reform. Habits and manners have changed, by his own example of brilliance. He
taught them to tell the truth, mercy for the poor and suffering to respect
women and be good with children.
At the age
of forty, Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be upon Him) was revelations. By the
impression of this high character, sincerity, nobility of mind, humanity and
truthfulness he achieve some followers. Started great missionary effort or work
and began to preach the gospel of GOD. The followers or fans grew day by day.
The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be upon Him) called SADIQ (truthful) and AMEEN
(trustee), even with his enemies and rivals because of his honesty and boldness
The Hazrat
MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) married a widow Hazrat Khadija name who embraced Islam
and came to the Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) throughout his life.
Ancient idol worshipers’ have tried their best to hurt and tease him. They wanted
to kill him. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) fled to MADINA in company
of the Hazrat Abu Bakar. This day emigration marks the beginning of the Hijra
Islamic Conference.
became the middle of the Islamic Holy Prophet activity. He won a lot of
followers there. They mobilized a small army. He faced several hundreds of
thousands of enemies with small group and caused the defeat after defeat on
them. Finally, the Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) entered MAKKAH as the
winner. He showed grace and mercy to all MAKKANS and announced a general
amnesty. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) set a shining model and
example of kindness, humanity and high spirit to the world.
The Hazrat
MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) taught his believers a simple and easy code of the
life. He wanted to live peacefully, serve others, to tell the truth and help
needy. The Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a living inspiration to
the world source as an Islamic teacher or Quran Tutor.
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