Thursday, December 26, 2013

Superstitious about the month of SAFAR

Superstition constituted an integral part of the belief system of the Pagans. Prior to the advent of Islam the Arabs were steeped in superstitions beliefs, beliefs that regulated their social, economic and political activity.
Superstition created a mysterious value system that gave rise to fear, suspicion and enmity. It deprived man of rational thinking and every ailment, accident or calamity was attributed to some evil force bent on destroying their lives.
 Unlucky happening such as diseases, curses, evils, loss in business and all the misfortunes are relayed to that month. People try to apply many tricks to protect themselves from all the misfortunes, but this concept is nothing more than a misconception based upon the poor knowledge of Islam.

The HOLY QURAAN states: “No misfortune can do not happen on earth nor (afflict) your souls, but is recorded in a Book (long) before we bring it into existence; that is truly easy for ALLAH.”
Disaster and misfortune take place according to the Will and Plan of ALLAH. No other force or power can direct your destiny or cause harm to you except with the permission of ALLAH.
The month of Safar is regarded as a month of ill-fortune and back luck. The pre Islamic Arabs believed Safar to be a serpent that dwells in the stomach of man. It stirs to life in this month and causes various types of illnesses and diseases. Thus people are more prone to fall this month.
Because of the various evil omens attached to this month some Muslims regard:

  • Nikah contracted in this month to be bad luck and ill fated.
  •  Any important business venture initiated in this month bound to collapse.
  • The first thirteen days of this month to be specifically evil and bad luck.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasalam condemned such superstitious beliefs in various Ahadith.

 A Hadith narrated in Muslims states: “There is no (ill-fortune) in the month of neither Safar nor do evil spirit (exist).”
Another Hadith states: “Do not revile time (i.e. do not regard any particular day, week or month to be bad, for I (ALLAH) am the (embodiment) of all time.”

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